Sunday, August 2, 2009

Beatin' the Heat... Jace Man Style!

Last week Seattle experienced the hottest stretch of weather... ever!!

The week before that was a very pleasant week, one that gave us the opportunity to really enjoy our back porch and to have some of Jace's friends over.

Jace's friend Brady joined us and we spent some time at the park.

We also had the opportunity to meet Todd's newest addition, Copper! (Jace loved her, but got jealous of her as well)

As stated earlier, last week was hot, hot, hot! We reached 103 degrees in Seattle, which was an all time record and had 4 days in a row of 90 degree plus heat (and it was 90+ today as well!). Though some will say that they love that type of temperature, we here in Seattle just aren't used to it, plus it was super muggy and so uncomfortable when trying to sleep!
So, how does Jace stay cool during this warm time? With as little on as possible, of course!

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