Thursday, May 1, 2008

A few more pics

We can't believe that it has already been a week since the last post. And.... did you realize that it is already May???? I can't believe it, next thing you know we will be counting down the shopping days until Christmas. Life had been moving super fast, but for the Paulsons, add a super kid and a small house project and life is flying like Superman going back in time. (did I just put a date to myself?)

Enough from me, lets get to the real reason that you look at this blog. Here are a few pictures of Jace!

Remember a few short months ago we were showing you pictures of Jace on his back in his crib looking at the mobile? Well, now he loves to roll over and show off his muscular arms and neck while looking at the mobile!

As for the house, a quick update. The heating guys have been here for most of the week and we hope to have all of the vents and furnace pieces in by early next week. The electrician comes in on Monday to start wiring the house. The garage doors and windows should be in tomorrow or early next week and we have a front and back door, so we hope that in the next few weeks our house will be secure! The plumber has also been in and he has been running the hot and cold water lines and the waste water lines throughout the house. Just to give you a fresh picture of the house, here you go!

Wheeeeee, how exciting was that?!!??! Ok, here is a picture of the house with our new roof on! Isn't is beautiful?

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