We had a great time in the Atlanta Aquarium, as you know, but our camera died, so we relied on Grandma's camera. Here are some of the definite Jace highlights!

(yes, that is a beluga whale that we are looking!)
Here are a couple of the monstrous sized fish that we saw swimming above us while in the "tunnel":

So you say that you love the pictures but you would really like a factoid to take home? Well, try this on for size!

Here is Jace with Grandma at the aquarium. Who is having more fun, try to figure it out!

(For those of you interested, look at the gentleman in the white hat with the Obama t-shirt... Yes, that is THE Bob Jackson, the one and only! We chatted with Bob and his wife often over this trip, it was like we were going to the same places as Bob.)
This is one of my favorite pictures. As some of you may know, Stephanie has a huge soft spot for otters, she just loves them. We went by the otters the first time and they were friskily playing, but out of the water. Stephanie was disappointed and kept trying to coerce them to get into the water, to no avail. We made a special trip at the end to go back to the otters, hoping to see them playing in the water, but they were really tired from their play earlier, so they were just laying there. However, as we were standing there, the otters heard something that they recognized and they all shot up and to the door which an aquarium staffer opened. The otters then marched through a different door in the background, most likely off to get food. They were gone and all we have are memories and this picture (which doesn't really show the otters, but you can see them if you strain your eyes).

This picture is from Centennial park. Stephanie and I enjoyed this piece of art and we got our picture taken in front of it. We later found out that there was shrapnel in this piece of art from the bomb before the 1996 Olympics.

And here is a great picture of my buddy Jody and Jace. I am wondering if Jace will grow up wanting dreadlocks...

How can we finish up this posting after all of the adorable Jace pictures??? Well, lets add another adorable kid to the mix. Here are a few of Rocco and Jace. Both were sporting their Moxie Galagos onesies (the team that their mom's played for) and both were enjoying each others attention!

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