Wow! Can you believe it? Jace is 11 months old today. It is absolutely amazing that the time has gone by that fast and that Jace has grown so much in that time. We look back over the past 11 months and are amazed by all of the growing that our little boy has done. In just 1 month, he will be 1 year old, already. Exciting!

Jace experienced his first Halloween and he was the most adorable billy goat ever!

The day before Halloween, Nintendo had a party and all of the little kids were invited.

Here he is with another farm animal from Nintendo. Both of the livestock were helping their mom's with the tax work!

On Halloween he went to school dressed as the billy goat again and paraded around the gym with the other kids who were dressed up. We haven't seen pics yet, but when I do, I will snag some to share!
Saturday was a very busy day. We started with a family walk to the park and swing set!

And then Gradma Jan, Great Grandma Dee and Uncle Justin came over to spend time with the little guy. Unfortunately no pictures were taken on our camera of Jace and his extended family, but I will try to get some of those as well. We do, however, have proof of Uncle Justin teach Great Grandma Wii bowling (and she loved it!)

Saturday night we went over to our friend's Sherry and Michael's house for dinner. They just remodeled their home and it is stunning. They added a second story to it and maintained the old world charm and feel throughout the whole house. It is beautiful!
This being said, of course no pictures were taken of the house. However, pictures were taken of Scooter, their cat. This cat was amazing. He would sit up on his scratching post and when somebody tossed a ball at him, he would spike it with either paw, straight down. He had the best volleyball form I have ever seen!

And of course Jace loved Scooter... Unfortuantely Scooter did not feel the same way.

What an exhausting weekend. This picture will be prove it to you.

Hey you! Yeah you! Jace wants you to watch this video that Uncle Justin created.