Monday, July 21, 2008

Congratulations Amy & John!

This was a huge weekend for our family. My sister Amy got married to one of my best friends John. The wedding was held out at Amy's Maiden of Honors house in Issaquah and it was an absolutely stunning venue. The weather was perfect, the ceremony was fantastic (and short) and then everybody kicked back, enjoyed some good food, some beverages and enjoyed in the celebration.

Jace got into the spirit by dancing on the tables before the wedding had even started. He showed off his mad leg strength and did a riverdance for all to see.

I was fortunate enough to walk Amy's mom down the aisle (and then hustled back to walk one of the bridesmaids down as well).

Judy got involved with Jace and introduced him to both of her amazingly adorable granddaughters.... Can't say that the sparks were flying, but Jace definitely kept an eye on the two young girls, well, when not talking to Judy.

John and Amy both looked stunning on their day. I was able to get a picture of John solo, but every time I tried taking one of Amy, there was always a crowd!

(You can probably notice Jace staring at the bride and groom)

For the first time in a long long time (maybe ever), my brother, father and I were all in tuxedos. People had to take photos to document this special occasion.

The day following the wedding, we sat Jace down to eat his crackers. He just started eating food with his fingers and boy is it fun (and messy!)

After breakfast, my family packed the car up and went back out to the wedding site for a day after brunch with some of the folks from the night before. This also included some wedding gift opening.

And some decorating of the bride and grooms vehicle!

Here are a couple of pictures of John and Amy's nieces, hanging with Matt and Janelle (the next of the group to get married in under a year!)

And of course, being the proud poppa that I am, here are a few more pics of my little man.

What a weekend it was. The highly anticipated wedding of the summer went off fantastically well. My sister got an amazing man as a husband and my friend received a fairytale princess.

Monday, July 14, 2008

These legs were made for standin'!

Jace learned how to pull himself up on July 3rd and since then, he has been mastering the finer arts of grabbing, grunting, pulling, grunting, standing and grunting. In this series of pictures, you will see the little guy in action. First he spots his target, second he gets right in there and pulls and pulls, gets himself up on his feet, eats a little horse hair and then poses for the camera...

For those of you needing to see it in a video, well, we have that too!

And he isn't bashful, he will show off in all of his outfits!

Just yesterday, his mom laid Jace down in the crib and not a few minutes later, she came back in and he had figured out how to pull himself up in his crib.

And we know, this is just the beginning....

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Uncle Justin the Jungle Gym

Jace got to spend some time with Grandma Jan and Uncle Justin today! He crawled all over Grandma's home and all over Uncle Justin....

Monday, July 7, 2008

7 months old and Jace's first 4th of July

Jace turned 7 months old on July 3rd. Where does the time go? How did he celebrate his 7 monther? Well, at daycare, with his dad watching, he pulled himself up for the first time onto his knees and then onto his feet. He stood on his own holding on to a toy table and it was a sight to see.... Sadly, there was no camera at this special event so that picture will have to wait!

On the 4th, we went to our friend Brian's home to eat bbq, drink beverages and take a swim! We started off with some simple wading and boy was Jace intrigued with the water.

We then stripped down into our swim trunks and took some photos. You will notice that Jace was not interested in posing, but instead was so mesmerized by the water that he couldn't keep his eyes off of it.

We then hopped in and took a few laps around the shallow end.

Near the end of our adventure, Jace took in a little bit too much water....

So we retired to the steps for a little more and called it a day.

It was a great 4th of July!

As for the house, we have sheet rock! It is really starting to feel like a house inside now.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Jace and Mom while Dad was at Whidbey

Jace and Mom had some special times together while Dad was out of town. On Saturday, they had a very fun visit with Grandma Marcia, Grandpa Ron and Great-Grandma Kate.

We started with breakfast but lost focus when everyone arrived.

Jace was supposed to be sleeping, but again lost focus and spent some time visiting with Grandma Marcia.

We played with our toys and laughed at Yoshi:

Took a long walk but got distracted. Took a break and had ice cream.

Finished the day kickin' back and enjoying a cool bottle of milk. Overall a great day.

While Stephanie and Jace were having a good time at home, I was off at Whidbey Island with a small group of gents celebrating my soon to be brother in law John Weaver's upcoming end to bachelor hood. Welcome to the family John, oh wait, you have been in the family for a long time already!

As for the house, it is really taking shape. We have a beautiful front railing and the house is fully insulated! The drywall goes up soon.