As you all know, Jace has some pretty wild hair. So, when we heard that there was a crazy hair contest sponsored by Disney and Johnson & Johnson, we had to enter our little guy. We took many pictures to get just the right one. Stephanie then put on her creative hat and came up with an amazing poem. If you want to read it, check it out at You will need to click on the Cute Baby Boys tab and find him. We put him on Wednesday night and he is already on the 7th page, which is crazy. How do all of these parents find out about these contests????
For those of you who don't want to go out to the website, here is the picture and the poem:
It's the talk all over town
Our kid has hair that won't stay down
No mousse, no gel, no help, no spray
His hair stands up every which way
A comb, a brush - we've tried it all
His trademark "do", it still stands tall
We love our boy, we love his hair
His crazy hair goes everywhere