Thursday, April 24, 2008
Daddy and Son
Just because its been too long since the masses have seen a good picture of Jace, here are some of him and his daddy.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Horses, Tigers & Croup, OH MY!!!
It has been a very crazy past couple of weeks. Stephanie had her busy season which again proved to be extremely difficult. The hardest thing about it for her wasn't the work, but it was not seeing Jace enough. Now that her schedule is back to normal, Jace is a happy kid and loves having mommy back!

This is one of our favorite outfits for Jace, I think you can see why...

Adding to the craziness of the tough week was Jace catching croup. Saturday night, April 5th, I put Jace down to bed at around 7:30. At 9:20, he woke up screaming, coughing (deeply like a seal), crying and was having a difficult time breathing. I tried to comfort him, but to no avail. I then called the nurse on duty at Children's Hospital and left a voicemail. While getting Jace out of his sleep gear and changing him to get him ready for a ER visit, the nurse called back, listened to him cough and told me it was croup. It turns out that croup is a couple of viruses that hit a baby, making it difficult for babies to breathe, causing panic. The nurse advised that I go into the bathroom, turn on a hot shower, let it steam up and then take Jace in there. As soon as I did that, he started breathing normal again and was ready to go to sleep. It was comforting that he felt better so quickly. Poor Stephanie had to hear about it on the way home from work (at midnight), so it was a tough night for us all. We are glad to say that Jace kicked it a few days later and was back to his happy-go-lucky self again!
Monday, April 7th, Jace had his 4 month doc appointment. The little man has grown so much and is now 26 inches long, weighing in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces. The doc said that he was doing really well (and then Jace proceeded to get 3 shots!).
Now, onto more pictures of Jace!

In between all of the smiles and naps, Jace does have a meltdown once in a while... Just to prove it, take a look at this beauty of a pic:

A few weeks ago, we purchased a bouncy horse for Jace. We figured he needed to start learning how to ride so that Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marcia can get him out on the real horses. His first go around he wasn't quite sure what to make of it:

As for the house, it is really coming a long. The roof was delivered late last week and on Monday or Tuesday, we should have the house totally dried in with a roof. That is a big step. We have also ordered windows and are about ready to pick out our garage doors. In just a few weeks we should hopefully have those items in so that our house will be secure! This is so exciting.
This is one of our favorite outfits for Jace, I think you can see why...
Adding to the craziness of the tough week was Jace catching croup. Saturday night, April 5th, I put Jace down to bed at around 7:30. At 9:20, he woke up screaming, coughing (deeply like a seal), crying and was having a difficult time breathing. I tried to comfort him, but to no avail. I then called the nurse on duty at Children's Hospital and left a voicemail. While getting Jace out of his sleep gear and changing him to get him ready for a ER visit, the nurse called back, listened to him cough and told me it was croup. It turns out that croup is a couple of viruses that hit a baby, making it difficult for babies to breathe, causing panic. The nurse advised that I go into the bathroom, turn on a hot shower, let it steam up and then take Jace in there. As soon as I did that, he started breathing normal again and was ready to go to sleep. It was comforting that he felt better so quickly. Poor Stephanie had to hear about it on the way home from work (at midnight), so it was a tough night for us all. We are glad to say that Jace kicked it a few days later and was back to his happy-go-lucky self again!
Monday, April 7th, Jace had his 4 month doc appointment. The little man has grown so much and is now 26 inches long, weighing in at 15 pounds, 6 ounces. The doc said that he was doing really well (and then Jace proceeded to get 3 shots!).
Now, onto more pictures of Jace!
In between all of the smiles and naps, Jace does have a meltdown once in a while... Just to prove it, take a look at this beauty of a pic:
A few weeks ago, we purchased a bouncy horse for Jace. We figured he needed to start learning how to ride so that Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marcia can get him out on the real horses. His first go around he wasn't quite sure what to make of it:
The next time we saddled up the little pony and got Jace on, it was a totally different experience!
As for the house, it is really coming a long. The roof was delivered late last week and on Monday or Tuesday, we should have the house totally dried in with a roof. That is a big step. We have also ordered windows and are about ready to pick out our garage doors. In just a few weeks we should hopefully have those items in so that our house will be secure! This is so exciting.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Happy 4th Month Jace!
Today is Jace's 4th month with us. Wow, how the time has flown by and how he has grown. He giggles, laughs, talks a lot(not sure where he gets it from), rolls over from his back to his stomach and his stomach to his back and is just a pleasure to be around.
Here is to you little man! You eat your Mickey Mouse
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Another day.... another month
It seems like just yesterday Jace entered our life. Months pass and it feels like only days. Why am I feeling this way, you ask? Well, by the time the majority of you read this post, it will be Jace's 4th month with us. Wow, how time flies and how he grows. We take Jace in for his 4 month checkup (and shots... ouch) on Monday and we will be able to find out how tall and heavy he is. At our last doctor's appointment, just a few short weeks ago, he was 14 1/2 pounds and both Stephanie and I think that he has grown considerably since then.
For now, lets get to some pictures!
This past weekend Jace saw lots of Grandparent action, he was a happy camper. He also saw his first Mariner game! It wasn't just any Mariner game, it was opening day of 2008 and he was so excited. He did great, he lasted 5 innings and looks forward to more games. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures at the game, but we took a few afterwards, including this one of him crashed out with dad:
Here are a few pictures of him sporting his new Mariner cap, after the game at home, watching the final innings:
As for our small house project, there has been some major work done since our last post. The second floor has been completely framed out, the trusses have been built and put on and the plywood has been put on the trusses, it is actually looking like a house now!
In this picture, if you look closely, you can see that they are starting to construct the front porch supports. How exciting!!
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