Thursday, March 20, 2008

The house is moving a long (and that's not all that is moving!)

It has been too long since we have last posted and for that we apologize. Stephanie started work full time last week, which means that Jace started daycare full time last week. Life has been really busy, that is for sure!

The house is really progressing a long nicely. Since the last post, the second floor has been framed out and they have begun putting the trusses on. Pretty soon we will have a roof, which is just amazing!

Here are some pictures of the progress since just 8 days ago, when we posted last.

Here they are framing out the master bath:

The exterior walls on the second floor were framed out within 2 days, quite amazing.

Here is Stephanie and Jace admiring what will be our master suite. The framing of the interior walls on the second floor took about 3 days:

The trusses arrive!

On the same day of arriving, over a half of the roof was constructed:

The trusses and plywood should totally be on in the next few days and the roof will be installed in the next few weeks. After that, the plumbing and electrical work will begin and our house will really start to feel like we can move in. Stephanie and I have to fight the urge to start moving our stuff over! :)

As for the best part of our lives right now, Jace is great. He had a viral infection on Sunday and most of Monday which caused him to be miserable and throw up (and have green pooh) which caused mom and dad to stay up almost the whole night Sunday night. Monday night Jace slept for 11 hours and on Tuesday he was a happy little man again, ready to take over the world with his laughing and smiling. The women that watch him at daycare always comment about how much he laughs, smiles and talks (we wonder who he gets that from...) and say that he is a very happy baby who only cries when he is hungry (we wonder who he gets that from...). This morning, I went in to wake Jace up and we found out that he had learned how to cover his eyes from the bright light and keep sleeping (that we know he learned from his mom):

And finally, I will leave you with this video. Jace is 3 and a half months old and he is already becoming way too mobile!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Who loves his stuffed puppy?

This is a big week for the Paulson family. Stephanie started back at work and Jace started at daycare. We also have second floor subflooring on our house. Not a lot of time to get a bunch of new pictures on, but here are a few to keep you until the next post!

Over the past few weeks, Jace has begun trying to put everything into his mouth. This stuffed puppy was no exception!

Here are a few pictures from the second story. When there are no clouds out, we will have a decent view of the Olympics!

Stephanie and Jace enjoyed how open our new house is!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Over the Mountain to Grandma's House

Our little boy turned 3 months old this week. Its amazing to see him grow, right in front of our eyes. His personality is incredible and he is becoming more and more interactive every day!

This past weekend we took a trip across the pass to visit Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marcia. We had a wonderful weekend of relaxation, family and hiking.

Here are some great pictures from the weekend and the past week.

And Jace continues his love affair with the mirror:

There is nothing like falling asleep in Grandma's arms...

And the progress on our house is incredible as well. As of today, we have walls up on our first floor, some of the internal walls framed and its just a matter of time before the first floor is completely framed out.
This picture is of our back door, from the yard. To your left is the kitchen windows and to your right is the family room windows.

This is a picture from in front of our house. The big opening in the front will be where our front door goes. The windows to your left is the office and the windows to your right is the living room.

We hope to have second floor joists up by the end of the week!