Thursday, December 20, 2007

Somebody needs a nap

People have asked us how we have been sleeping. Does this help answer your question?
Isn't he adorable when he is tired, cranky and red eyed!! :) We think so....

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Who loves concrete??

The answer to that question is the Paulsons love concrete. After waiting and waiting for some concrete on our land, it finally started today. The footings were dug, the framing was constructed and the rebar hung last week and it passed the city inspection yesterday. Today, at noon, the first dump truck arrived and started pumping out the concrete. It was really a fantastic sight!

And I wouldn't be a good father if I didn't include some great pictures of Jace! He is doing great. Ma and Pa are learning how to learn with less sleep. Wouldn't change it for the world.

And how is Sidney taking to our newest addition???

Yeah, he is super needy!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jace AND house update!

Today is a great day! Stephanie and I took Jace out for his first walk and I got to carry him in the very manly Baby Bjorn... I put him in there and 2 seconds later he let loose with a great spit up. I love it! I feel like we bonded.

We also sponge bathed Jace to make him look studly for his first walk:

And there is the every cute squirrel pants and hedgehog coat! We dressed him up in this outfit yesterday before our trip to the doctors!

We had Grandpa Ron and Grandma Marcia come by for the weekend (and Grandma Marcia has stuck around for the week to help us out). I can tell you this, Jace is going to be well spoiled, I mean taken care of!!!

And a few pictures of Jace and friends!

As for the house, well, we hit another snag last week. We had the footings all dug out and it was ready for the footings to be framed and the concrete foundation to be poured, however.... We had huge rains last week while we were in the hospital and our hole had a few feet of water and the the footings filled up with mud. So, on Friday we had to bring the excavation crew back out to dig the footings out and we are back on track. Monday and today the crew has been out here to get the footings framed and our rebar has been dropped off and it looks like we have movement, at least.

What a day! What a week! More updates soon....

Friday, December 7, 2007

Jace John Paulson

The most exciting time in Stephanie and my life happened this week. On Monday, December 3rd, Jace John Paulson arrived. He weighed 9 pounds and measured in at a whopping 22 inches and he was the most beautiful thing that I have ever layed eyes on.

Its time for Jace to be fed, so I can't write anymore at this time, but I wanted to get some pics up for those of you who have been asking for them.